
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Fun

Ever wonder what some teachers do during the summer?  Well, for me it's relaxing by the pool, catching up on reading, and unfortunately, thinking about my classroom for the next school year.  Crazy, huh?  Shouldn't teachers be doing all of the above, except for thinking about their classrooms.  It's a strange phenomena!!
I've decided that it's time to make that 4 hour drive to Charlotte to visit the only Ikea store in North Carolina.  I sure wish they would open one in Raleigh.  It would make my life much easier, but my wallet much smaller.  Hmmm, maybe it's good that it is in Charlotte!  Anyway, I've decided I MUST HAVE the following items for my room. 


I'm sure I can find a lot more to buy once I'm in the store!  Guess I'd better get myself into gear and make that drive. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Last Day

Well, we finally made it to the last day of school!  It's such a bittersweet day for me.  On one hand I'm ready for a break and some family time and on the other hand I miss my kiddos so much.  We had such a great celebratory day together.  There was a lot of laughter, fun, and sharing of food.  It was a perfect way to end our school year.

I am saying goodbye to amazing kiddos and their parents.  Some I will see next year, but most will move on to great adventures.  It is so sad to me to know that I may never see some of these kiddos again.  I truly hope that is not the case, but in our military lifestyle, this is the nature of the beast.  We move around and every now and then return back to a location.  Most times, we move on until retirement comes.  My wish for all of my students is that they move on and leave their mark on everyone they come into contact with.  That they share their love and caring with everyone they meet.  I want them to grow into productive adults who will go on to lead this amazing country that their parents serve.  I want them to always treat others with kindness, love and laugh often, and lead happy lives.  Every single one of my students deserve that.  They are amazing children!! 

Thank you to all of my parents that supported me this year.  Your love and devotion to your children shows and without that my job would be much harder.  Thank you for taking care of me this year.  You have shown me, countless times, how much I am appreciated.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Have a safe summer and I look forward to seeing some of you in the fall.  If you are moving on, you have my email address.  That address will never change, as long as I work for Department of Defense Schools.   Please stay in touch!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

End of Year Wrapup

3 days left!  We've had so many exciting things going on the last couple of weeks.  Our school-wide Eagles Run was a huge success.  The turnout was amazing.  Heroes does have a wonderful, involved group of parents.  Check out the Photo Gallery for pictures from the Eagles Run. 

We also ended our year with a 3rd grade performance.  I have pictures, but from where I was sitting, they did not turn out good, so I'm not including them in the Photo Gallery.  The performance was fantastic and I'm so proud of each and every one of my students.  Several had solo parts and they did an amazing job of memorizing their lines.  Thank you parents for helping out with everything!!