
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blog Goodies

We are off and running!!!  This is our first week with homework, first week learning our Daily 5 procedures, and our first week of having fun learning!!  We are already on a fantastic roll and I'm so proud of each student for how hard they have been working this week.  I'm a lucky teacher to have 19 amazing kiddos!

I have updated the blog with our classroom newsletter for August/September.  I also included this week's homework plan, in case the one in the H.E.R.O. Binder goes missing.

If you haven't signed up for email notifications be sure to do that on the Home page.  This way, when I update the blog, you will receive an email letting you know goodies are available.  Feel free to leave a comment about anything you see on the blog.   Have a fantastic day!