
Saturday, September 28, 2013

More Book Reports

Check out the new additions to our first Book Report.  Today, I added two videos and a video PowerPoint.  We still have more to go!!  Hope everyone is having a great weekend. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Book Report #1

Wow!!!  I am so excited about our first Book Reports for the year.  When students came through the door Wednesday, there was so much excitement when they saw each other's work.  These projects are truly amazing.  Students and families put in so much work putting these together.  I have taken a few pictures of some and still have more pictures to take.  I've uploaded the pictures I have taken and will add the new ones once I get them all done.  Hopefully tomorrow!!  Thank you, Mom and Dad, for your support and hard work.  They could not have done this without you.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Parents, don't forget that Friday is school pictures!  I haven't received a time yet, but hopefully they will be in the morning, before recess! :)  I also begin testing students, individually, on the BAS (Benchmark Assessment System).  This test gives me a better idea of where your child is in reading.  Reading with them, individually, has given me great insight, but the BAS goes a step further.  I am testing tomorrow, Thursday & Friday.  A substitute will be in the classroom with students while I am out testing.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Freedom Walk

Wow!  What an amazing way to honor September 11th!  We spent this week talking about what America means to us and discussed what they knew about September 11, 2001.  I was surprised how much this group of 3rd graders knew.  After talking about the tragedy, we talked about how America has survived and moved forward.  I was so proud having this discussion with my kiddos yesterday.  Everyday they are reminded about war and separation when they watch their awesome parents put on that uniform and go off to work. Today, during our moment of silence, there was not a sound to be heard in our room.  They stood proudly and then when "God Bless the USA" played they sang so loudly.  Brought tears to my eyes.  Wow!!  Thank you to all the parents who came out and walked with us today.  You made this day special for your child.


Monday, September 9, 2013


Just a reminder that if your child misplaces their weekly homework plan, you can find it here on the blog under the  Calendars/Homework/Newsletter link above.  You can also find the weekly spelling words and any other relevant classroom information under the Classroom Info link above.  Also, if you haven't set up email notifications you can do so in the right margin of this page under the Follow Me heading.  When I update or add to the blog, you will receive an email with the information.  Have a great week!