
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ta Da!!! Our room is officially put back together

After many days, tired feet, and achy finger tips, I am finally done putting the room back together!!  I have never had to put a room together so quickly, so this just about threw me off my game.  I usually come in a few days over the summer and take my time.  Not this time!  A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Ayers for helping me yesterday, I could not have done this without her.  She knew just when to take over.  Apparently, I get a "lost/confused" look on my face and she read it well!  LOL

Today, I introduced the kiddos to all of the amazing materials we received.  We had  a few minutes this morning to play around with some of the math and reading items.  I actually had time to build my first Lego structure with a few of the students.  We had a blast!!

So, without further delay, here's the final pictures!  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Elves have arrived!

Yesterday, Santa's elves arrived to deliver and begin unpacking our new classroom materials and furniture.  I popped into the room, after school, and this is what I saw.

So exciting!!  The elves spent a large part of the day off loading the 18 wheeler (sleigh), so they were not able to finish unpacking everything yesterday.  Because of this, today I am with the students and then tomorrow I will be in the room unpacking all the "presents".  Friday, I will be back in our temporary classroom with the students, due to substitute shortage.  On Monday, I will have a substitute, so that I can finish putting our classroom back together.  Tuesday, the students will return to our regular classroom (D108).  I am sure they are going to be as excited about the new things as I am.  I cannot wait to see their faces when they see it all!  Stay tuned for updated photos, once the classroom is completely put back together!!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Santa Came Early!

Santa came early for 3rd Grade Teachers this year!!  We have been blessed with all new furniture and reading comprehension materials. Santa is sending his elves to help put everything together.  The elves won't be here until December 10th, so in the meantime, I am packing up the classroom.  The photos below show what our beautiful room looks like right now.  On Tuesday, the elves arrive to deliver and put everything together.  Wednesday and Thursday, I will be back in the room unwrapping all the fantastic reading presents Santa is leaving me.  I will also be putting the room back together so that on Friday, December 13th the kiddos can come back to our room.  It's been a huge change for all of us, but the kiddos are doing a great job in our temporary room.  I'm so proud of them.  Thank you, Santa, for caring about what 3rd graders learn and for giving us the materials to make things even more exciting to learn with.