
Friday, April 12, 2013

Twilight Zone Kinda Week!!

It's Friday!!!  It's been a full moon, Twilight Zone, kind of week.  Basically, if it can happen, it did!  So happy it's over and looking forward to next week being better.  Next week is STEAM week and I cannot wait to watch my third graders build pipe insulation roller coasters.  They have no idea they are going to be doing this, so I'm sure they are going to be so thrilled to participate in this.  I love watching them put together things and the thrill on their faces when they see it work.  This is going to be so awesome and I will definitely follow up with pictures.

All of the Flat Nassar pictures are in, but we did not get to start their digital scrapbooks this week as originally planned.  I'm going to make an effort to squeeze that in next week.  The kids are excited about putting it together and I'm excited about sharing it with you all.  The pictures they took with Flat Nassar are absolutely fabulous and are so much fun to look at.  I would like to be able to promise that the Flat Nassar project will be posted here next week, but I'm afraid I'd make a liar out of myself.  Don't fret, the project will be posted as soon as possible.  With STEAM week, I'm predicting very little will get done with the Flat Nassar project. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  I'm spending it with my daughter for her sororities parents weekend.  It's a fun-filled weekend of hanging out with college students.  Boy, those were some good ole' days!