
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snowman Pics!!

Well, the first snow pictures are in!!  As I receive your pictures I will add to this post.  I love seeing how much fun everyone is having in the snow!  Try to make a small snowman, if you can.  At least you can say you made one before all the snow/ice melts!!  Stay Warm!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Pictures!!

So, since we have lots of snow (or lots for Jacksonville) I'm posting pictures of the snow around my house.  As you take pictures of your child's snowman/snowwoman, send them to me and we will add them here.  Might as well make some fun out of all of this.  In fact, we can make this into a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math) project.  We already covered the Science portion in a lesson on weather Monday.  The Technology part comes into play with your pictures.  The building of the snowman is Engineering and Art.  You can measure the height and width of the snowman for the math portion.  So, send in those pictures and we will have some fun with this!  Stay warm!! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Snow Closure!

I'm sure you've all heard by now, but school is officially closed Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will have a 3 hour delay on Thursday, if they do not officially call school.  The weather Thursday is not looking too good, so that may impact road conditions.  Hopefully, after this we can catch up on all the missed days, which equal missed lessons.  Terra Nova's are creeping up on us (5 weeks til) and we have lots to learn between now and then. 

If your kiddo gets a chance to build a snowman, take a picture and email it to me!  We can post them here.  After all, we hardly ever get snow in NC, so this is a fun way to celebrate it! 

Take care and stay warm!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bundle Up!

Just as I was getting excited to see my kiddos tomorrow, a 2 hour delay was called.  Somehow, this crazy weather snuck up on me.  I guess I was enjoying two days of perfect weather.  Anyway, we will start 2 hours late tomorrow and with smiles on.  Bundle up, it's going to be cooooooollllllldddddd!!

Don't forget Thursday is picture make up day for students who missed fall pictures or new students.  Class photos will be later!  PTO sent home a list of dates of events.  I will be sure to add those to our classroom calendar and post here!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

School Pictures!

It's that time to bring your smiles!!  Make up pictures from the fall and pictures for new students will be on January 23rd.  On February 19th we will have class photos and then Spring Pictures will be in March.  As I receive more information, I will forward on to you. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Last day of Winter Break!

So, today is the official last day of Winter Break.  I can't say that I'm sad about it.  I am ready to get back to work and to a normal routine.  This staying up late and sleeping in stuff is not for me.  It's thrown me completely off.  Besides, I miss  my kiddos and can't wait to hear about their exciting break.  I'm sure Santa was good to us all!  Enjoy your weekend!