
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Terra Nova's are Over!!!

     We all survived the week of testing!!  I'm so proud of the entire class and how hard they worked during the test.  As I was walking around, I noticed how they read the directions, took their time working on each problem, and checked their work after they completed each section.  I can truly say that they gave all they had all week long.  I look forward to seeing the results, sometime around May. 
     Now we resume normal operations!  The class told me yesterday that they were actually glad we were getting back to normal routine.  After a week of Read Across America activities and last week of testing, our schedules were turned around, so it will be nice to resume normalcy.
     Have a great weekend!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Read Across America!!

We just wrapped up Read Across America week and had a blast!!  My intention was to post pictures each day, but with all the activities, I did not get a chance to.  So, I've uploaded all of them below.  I did not upload the pictures from the 35,000 Minutes Read Assembly on Friday for security purposes.  There are children in the pictures that are not in my classroom.  Enjoy scrolling through them!!

Silly Hats and Stripes Day ("Cat in the Hat")


Pajama Day ("Dr. Seuss Sleep Book")

Crazy Socks ("Fox in Socks")

Misc Pictures from this week: