
Friday, April 11, 2014

Bridge Building final day

I was going to add these photos to the previous post, but thought they were just too good to post at the end of that post.  Today was the last day of our STEAM Challenge-Bridge Building.  Students put finishing touches, completed all of their evaluations, cleaned up their area, and worked on their presentation skills.  It was a busy, busy day!  I am so proud to introduce the most amazing bridges that held 12 pounds of weight.  They would have held more, if I had more weights to add to it, but I did not.  

I also want to say thank you to the parents that were able to make it in for the presentations today.  The students loved it and did an amazing job explaining STEAM to their parents.  I am so incredibly proud of all of them!  Enjoy the final STEAM Week Bridge Building Challenge pictures!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bridge Building

Students have been actively engaged as engineers building Popsicle bridges.  On Monday, we started off as a grade level watching videos on different types of bridges and brainstorming materials bridges were made of.  After that, students returned to the classrooms where I provided them with further information to help them understand the different parts of bridges, what bridges are used for, and examples of bridges with an example of a Popsicle bridge to match the real one.  After that, I divided students into groups where they began the process of planning the type of bridge they wanted to build, giving it a name, and sketching out how it should look when it is done.  I've attached pictures below of their work on Monday and Tuesday.  I will update this post with pictures from today, Thursday, and Friday morning as I take them. 

Parents, don't forget Bridge Presentations are Friday afternoon from 2:00-2:45.  We look forward to showing off the awesome bridges your Engineer is creating!

Monday's Pictures:

Tuesday's Pictures

Wednesday's Pictures

Thursday's Pictures