
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Feedback Needed!

I would like your feedback on the use of this blog.  Would you please post a comment on how you feel the blog has helped you this year?  

  • Did you refer to it when you needed something?  
  • Do you feel the blog kept you up to date?  
  • Is there anything you would like to see added that would help you?  
  • Also, can you let me know if your deployed spouse was able to access the blog (if they had the chance to).
Any information you can provide would be great.  During the summer I like to make updates and changes.  Your feedback would help me make this blog better for next year. I'm open to all suggestions/comments/etc that will make the blog a great place to visit.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!

(Photographer Unknown)
As we enjoy this weekend, let us not forgot the meaning behind Memorial Day.   Formerly known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day originated after the Civil War to honor the Union and Confederate soldiers that died.  In 1971, Congress declared that Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May.  Click on the link below for more information. 

Enjoy this beautiful long weekend, but take a few minutes to explain its true meaning to your child. 

God Bless America

Busy Week

This is not only a short week, but a busy week in our classroom.  With having Monday off, we have to squeeze math into 3 days, so that we will be ready to run/walk for the Eagles Run on Friday.  I know the kiddos are super excited about Friday's activities.  Eagles Run is always a blast and so much fun wrapping our year up with a family picnic and festivities.  

We also have the NFL Play 60 camp on June 5th.  Permission slips went home on Friday.  Students must have a signed permission slip to participate.  This camp is run by the Carolina Panthers, therefore, they will not allow a child to participate without the form signed. 

Lastly, we only have 12 school days left!  I cannot believe how fast this year went by!! I know the kiddos are ready to be done and become 4th graders and I agree with them, but I'm going to miss them.  The next 12 school days will be busy, but fun!!  Have a great weekend.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

End of Year Assessments

I cannot believe it is already end of year assessment time! Thursday we started our end of the year math assessment. This assessment measures DoDEA 3rd Grade Math Standards that your child is required to learn.  With 47 problems, I break the test up to about 10 problems a day until we finish it.  This way students do not tire out. So far, I'm very pleased with how they are doing on it.  Each day, I grade the page they finished so that on the last day I can immediately give them a final grade.  It is my expectation that your child score a 85-100% on this assessment to show 3rd Grade Math Mastery.  With daily lessons, Daily 5 Math, homework, and one-on-one teacher time, students should reach this expectation.

This week I also start testing students on the Benchmark Assessment System (BAS).  This is our reading assessment that measures students comprehension and fluency. Students in 3rd grade take this assessment twice a year- beginning and end.  Third grade students should end up on a Level L-P.  Most students are already within this range or higher.  I've included a BAS Text range below for you to use once I have tested your child.  

We also have our Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) test to take before June 5th.  This test measures your child's reading comprehension.  The SRI provides a lexile score for the student to use when selecting "Just Right" books.  

Once all assessments have been completed, I will send home a report with the scores for the whole year so that you can see your child's progress over this school year.  This report is something that I do and is not required by the school or district, but I feel that you need to know exactly where your child is and how much progress they made this year.  I plan to have all reports ready to send home by the last day of school.  Report cards will be mailed home by the school. 

Have a great weekend!!
BAS Text Levels

Thursday, May 8, 2014

No More Homework!!

I sent out an email to all parents letting them know that tomorrow is the last day of homework for the year. After looking at the calendar and all the events we have coming up, there are going to be several interruptions to our instructional time.  Because of this, I will have to be creative with our lessons to allow for the fun we will have.  This will cause problems to scheduled homework, so it's easier to go ahead and wrap up the year with no more homework.  

As always, please have your child continue to read 15-20 minutes each night.  They also have access to IXL so they can continue working on the 3rd grade concepts.  So, there are several options for nightly work.  Enjoy!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Week

While exploring my favorite website, Pinterest, I came across this teacher poem.  It summed up so much about teaching.  As teachers are being acknowledged this week for the work we do, I think it's important to note that teaching is something I chose to do.  I absolutely love getting up each day to see those sweet, smiley faces.  No matter what is going on in my world, they make me feel loved.  Teaching is the most rewarding thing I've done in my life, besides being a mother.  I wouldn't trade my job for anything in this world.  I am truly blessed to have my job and the amazing kiddos and families I work with.  

Friday, May 2, 2014


Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted anything, so I figured I would jump on that today!!  I've been out of work for over a week now due to medical reasons.  I've missed my kiddos so much.  I have been keeping up with a few of them on Gmail.  Each day I've checked and am so excited when I see a new email from them.  They definitely have a way of making you feel loved.  Their sweet words always make my heart feel good.
I'm heading back to work on Monday, regardless of what the doctor says.  I cannot stay home any longer and be away from my kiddos.  I cannot wait to see their faces on Monday morning.  Have a great weekend everyone and get some rest!