
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Last Day of School

As our year has come to an end, I wanted to thank each one of my parents for all of your support this year. Without your help, my job would not be possible.  Thank you for being supportive, thank you for listening when I had a concern, thank you for making me laugh, thank you for all the wonderful gifts I have received this year, thank you for the sacrifice you make each day for our country, but most of all, THANK YOU for allowing me the opportunity to work with your child.  They are all such a blessing and I am going to miss them so much.  I hope that wherever the military takes you that you always try to stay in touch.  My school email should always  remain the same and I will always do my best to keep the blog up.  If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.  
Please take a moment to watch the video below. This is something I do at the end of the year for my students.  It's fun to see how much we've done this year and how much they have grown.  I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

1 more day!

Today officially marks our last full day of school.  We cleaned out, broke down, and tore down all day long. It was exhausting, but I couldn't have gotten it done without my kiddos.  They worked so hard today! Tomorrow we celebrate our year with a party and some down time just enjoying our last few hours together.  I know the kiddos are excited to begin their summer break.  Some are moving on and some are staying.  Whichever the case, I hope that they keep in touch with me through this blog or email.  One of the drawbacks to teaching DOD is that we don't always get to follow our kiddos as they grow up.  Occasionally a former student finds me and it's always so exciting catching up with them.  Enjoy your evening!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

5 More Days!

We officially are down to five more days left of this school year.  We have completed all of our learning standards for the year.  Students celebrated Monday when we completed our last Math topic, to include the assessment and our reading assessment.  It was a mad dash, especially with all the time we missed this year due to weather.  We are now wrapping up our year with completing our learning journals. Their math journal is complete and we are finishing up our interactive language arts journal.  It's a great review and a resource for students to use next year.

As we approach summer vacation, please keep in mind that it is very important for students to read over the summer. Research shows that students who do not read over the summer can lose up to two months of reading achievement. (See   The same applies to practicing math concepts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).  To help your child, I've included some activities students can use to help maintain their learning achievement.  Just spending two hours a day reading and practicing math, will help your child begin next school year with confidence.  Let me know if you have any questions.