
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Meet and Greet 2014/2015

Welcome Back students and parents!!!  I am so excited to meet all of you today.  I cannot wait to see my sweet students and their smiley faces.  We are going to have a fabulous year filled with technology rich learning and lots of fun. 

Mom and Dad, you have homework tonight!  I am going to give the kiddos a night off, so I'm sure they will enjoy watching you work while they play! :) At Meet and Greet you were given a handout.  Please complete each item on the list.  Once you are done, leave me a comment below.  If you do not have a Gmail account, then select the Anonymous link and put your name in the beginning of your post, so that I will know who you are. 

I look forward to reading your comments and email me if you have any questions.  Have fun!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Back to Work!!

Can't believe I have one more day until I return to work!!  It's been a fantastic summer,  but I have to admit that I'm ready to meet my new kiddos!  I also can't wait to see my colleagues, especially my team.  After a summer of dealing with a newly diagnosed heart condition, I am ready for a routine that keeps me busy and hopefully not too stressed.  Enough blogging, going to finish my To Do list for the house and then tackle my classroom tomorrow!!  Third Grade here I come!!!