
Friday, October 24, 2014

Quarter 1 is almost over!

Quarter 1 officially ends October 28th.  Hard to believe the first 9 weeks of school are already over. To officially wrap up Quarter 1, students have school for 3 days, next week, due to staff development for teachers on Thursday and a workday on Friday.  

Since next week is a short week, students will not have any homework.  We will spend Monday and Tuesday setting up and preparing for Student Led Conferences, as well as, completing any unfinished assignments.  Wednesday, students will celebrate Quarter 1 during the 3rd Grade Block Party.  

Block party is an incentive activity that third grade has been participating in for the past 4 school years.  Incorporating our Social Studies theme of "Communities" students are able to move freely between all 4 third grade classes participating in fun activities.  The objective is to reward them for hard work, great behavior, and allow them some time to use socialization skills to interact with students from the other classes.  Third graders have been working hard to earn their 10 Block Party tickets.  As of today, most students have 9, with a couple of students having 8. Students must have 10 Block Party tickets to participate.  They still have Monday and Tuesday to earn. Tickets are awarded on Class Dojo and are given to students who did not Dojo Down more than twice each day, completed all class and homework assignments on time, and demonstrate positive behavior by following classroom and school rules.  I'm sure you will hear all about it when they get home!!