
Friday, September 5, 2014

Busy Week!!

Wow, have we had a busy week!!  First of all, we mastered online math homework.  I am so extremely proud of the students for getting the hang of this.  I should also add all of you parents for being so extremely supportive and patient of this new learning format for your child.  Kuddos to you for allowing them to venture into this new area of learning and supporting them along the way.  You are all amazing!

Secondly, students are doing a fantastic job of learning our Daily 5 Math and Reading Stations.  They are learning the rotation schedule and what to do in each station.  This is not an easy task, since every station has a different activity.  The hardest part is making sure they are working hard and quietly on the station activity.  In another week or two they will have this mastered.

Third, all our online and school software programs are FINALLY up and running!!  So, this weekend I will make the students final username & password cards to send home. Today, students took their first spelling test using Spelling City and their  Reading Selection Test on this week's story, Boom Town.  I was very pleased with their scores, especially since this was their first time taking a online test.  Please remember that the first test scores may be lower than you expect, but that is to be expected since this is a new format for them.   

Lastly, I am so excited about the student blogs.  Thursday, they worked on the background colors and began their first post.  They are super excited about working on the blogs, so I told them that with your permission they may work on them at home.  I just ask that they do not post items that are not school related.  In a couple of weeks, they will start typing their Friday Journals in the blogs so that you can respond back to them. 

Next week we will begin our grade level  math assessment and reading assessment.  Monday and Tuesday your child will be testing on 3rd grade level math concepts and reading concepts.  The data from these assessments will be used for school improvement purposes, as well as, data for providing math or reading services to struggling learners.  We still have to administer the Benchmark Assessment System (BAS) and Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI).  Once all assessments are complete I will send home a report with how your child scored.  It will probably be the beginning of October before that report goes home.  

Have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing your child on Monday!!