
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

2015-2016 District Calendar

For your reading school year district calendar is ready and finalized.  Enjoy!!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Terra Nova

Tomorrow morning, students will begin the Terra Nova test.  They are testing every day next week, so there will not be any homework.  Students will test each morning until around 10:30-11:00 and then after lunch, specials, and recess, they will work on a STEAM project, Leprechaun Traps. So, there will be no formal instruction next week.

Friday, students completed their 3 Little Pigs houses.  They are incredibly cute!  I'll post pictures once testing is over.  We are scheduling time for the Big Bad Wolf to "Huff and Puff", however, we are making him wait until after Terra Nova testing!  LOL

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  Make sure your kiddo gets to bed early tonight and has a hearty, low-sugar, healthy breakfast tomorrow.  I also want to thank all of you for your breakfast and snack donations.  We have a lot of goodies to choose from each day.  

Thank you so much, you are all amazing!!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Read Across America

This week is Read Across America week, honoring Dr. Seuss's birthday.  We are spending the week reading different Dr. Seuss books and completing activities.  Today, students wore crazy socks. Tuesday, students wear a hat, and Thursday students wear blue and/or red.  It should be a fun week, full of reading, and lots of fun!!