
Monday, August 24, 2015

1st Day of 2015/2016

What a great first day of school!  I absolutely loved getting to know my kiddos.  We had a busy day, full of routines and expectations, but we managed to squeeze in some All About Me time.  I loved sitting at the tables reading their information and talking with them.  Their enthusiasm and excitement was contagious.  I look forward to a great year, packed full of fun, adventure, and loads of learning!

I forgot to upload my classroom reveal pictures before today, so here they are.  I'm super excited how great the room turned out.  Enjoy!

Classroom library/writing stations

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Almost Done

I think hope I'm almost done!  I have the back part of the room done, tables set up,  cubbies organized, and curtains hung.   Now I'm waiting on our class list to see if I need to add more tables.  
After, almost 2 weeks of hot gluing,  hanging, rehanging, and sweating in the warm building, I can say I'm so thrilled with the results.   A huge shout out to my colleague,  Tonia, for being the ladder queen!   I could not have done this without her!

Today is my deadline for completing the rest of the room.  I have many things to do and hope that I don't create more work for myself.  UGH!!

Enjoy the rest of the summer. School starts soon!