
Sunday, December 13, 2015


I thought I would share with you a recent blog post I wrote for  The founder, Dr. Sarah Donovan, asked if I would write about my decision to do away with homework and reading logs.  I have shared most of this information with you, at the beginning of the year, but you might find it useful reading to assess if your child is enjoying school more or reading for enjoyment.  

In the classroom, I am often told, by your children, that they love school this year because "it's more fun".  Although school is for learning, it should be fun to make learning more meaningful.  I am seeing the results, are you?

Friday, December 4, 2015

Math, Unit 4 - Patterns and Measurement

I am happy to say that, even with one eye, I was able to upload information on Unit 4 and type this post (no comments about grammar or spelling errors!) LOL  Please take some time to look through Unit 4 for ways to support your child's learning at home.  I look forward to hearing how successful they are with measuring!!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sorry,Moms & Dads, I couldn't resist!!!!

Yesterday, during my awesome conferences, I made a comment or two about moving students around to help with "chattiness"  and to have new neighbors to get to know!  

Today, will perusing Facebook, I came across this image and thought it was so cute hilarious and appropriate to yesterday's conversations!  

Sorry, Parents, I couldn't resist!!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Decomposing Numbers

Yesterday, we began decomposing numbers using place value to help them understand that numbers can be decomposed in many ways to make it easier for computation.  

Students began with a card that  contained a place value problem on it.
Students used base tens blocks to build the numbers.  This process involved exchanging base tens out for hundreds, ones for tens, etc.  We spent two days working on this concept to allow students time to "dig deep" into their learning.  

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Book Report #1

What a blast we've had the past two days presenting our first book reports!!  I am so extremely proud of how awesome the projects were.  Students put so much thought and creativity into making them amazing.  It was wonderful watching each student present and the feedback they received from their peers on their biography and project.  I look forward to seeing their second book reports on January 14th!!  

If you have any questions on the book report projects, please check out the Book Report packet on the Class Info page.  Just remember that students must select a different type of project for each book report.  They are not allowed to repeat a project.  Also, Book Report #2 is based on a realistic fiction book.  We looked at some different books today, by simply Googling "Realistic Fiction books for 3rd grade"!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Learning to Round/Estimate Numbers

What a morning we had!  We took our math lesson outside, in the cool breeze, to make a number line from 0-100.  Although students have experience with number lines, it was interesting to watch them struggle to fill in missing numbers on the line.  Counting by 10"s I laid down hoops to show "decades".  Students followed and counted by 10's.  Students were then paired to fill in the numbers that were missing in between each decade.  I immediately noticed that students did not know how to evenly spread out the missing numbers so that the "5's" increments were in the middle of the 10's.  Many students began making tick marks, but did not spread them out evenly between each 10.  Once we corrected this, I asked students to stand on various points of the number line and we worked as a class to determine which "decade" the student was closer to.  

Students have learned, for years, that if a number is between 0-4 they round down and 5 or more they round up.  The problem is that they could not explain why they did this.  By standing on the number line, they were able to see which "decade" they were closer to.  When we reached the middle, such as 55, students had to decide would they round down to 50 or up to 60.  Following the old way of learning it, they said 60, but when I questioned why, they could not explain it to me.  We then decided that if we were on a road trip and got half way through our trip and figured out we forgot something, would we go all the way back or continue on to the next point?  We would continue on, rather than driving all the way back.  If we were closer to the 50 mark, like 52 or 53, it would be a short trip back, but once we made it to 55 or higher, it would be smarter to move on to 60.  

Tomorrow, we carry on the learning using 0-99 charts to see if students can determine word problems that ask students to round/estimate.  

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Learning Perimeter

Last week students began learning about perimeter.  Although they entered 3rd grade with a lot of knowledge about perimeter, I had to help them separate their knowledge of perimeter from their knowledge of area.  They wanted to add for both, when I wanted them to multiply for area and add for perimeter.  In the end, I won the battle and they are multiplying monsters!!

For perimeter, students helped the ants of Hollow Log, design their parade route around a lake.  In addition, they designed a few more lakes so, to give the ants some options for the parade route.  Using geometric designs, a 24" long string, and triangular grid paper, students went to work helping the ants.

Students will complete their newly designed lakes this week, so stay tuned for more pictures!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Community Experts

As I'm sure you've already heard, our classroom desk are set up in communities (Rural, Suburban, Urban).  The idea was to tie in our Social Studies standards, which focus on communities, the citizens that live in the communities, and laws/government/jobs/etc for the community.  

Two weeks ago, your child started working on becoming experts about the community the sit at. We began with a simple video explaining the three types of communities and features/characteristics of each.  From there, students read about a community that was the same as theirs.  Using that knowledge, they set up a community diorama, named it, and wrote down features that make their community unique.  

The students had a lot of fun learning about their community and using their artistic abilities to create and name their own!


Last week we finished up division, using the book, The Doorbell Rang.  I love this book and how much fun it is to teach my kiddos how to divide using repeated subtraction.  The kiddos love being able to eat their manipulatives!  LOL Most off all, it was fun watching them realize that they could write and solve a division problem, using only repeated subtraction and not having to use the cookies.  They were very proud of themselves for being able to solve simple division equations abstractly.  

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Parent Teacher Conference Day - November 6

We are about a month away from Parent/Teacher Conferences!  I cannot believe how quickly this school year is moving.  In case you are new to CLDS, this first conference is mandatory for all students.  You will receive your child's report card at this conference.  You must attend to receive the report card.  

I want to get a jump on the times, so I've created a link in the top, right-hand, side bar, that says "VolunteerSpot" for you to sign up for a conference time.  
  • When you click on the link, you DO NOT have to register for an account.  Simply type in your email address and click "Next".  It will take you to the available time slots for you to chose from.  
  • To select a time slot,  look through the available times and then click the orange "Sign Up" button to select that time.  In the speech bubble, that is located under the time slot, please tell me the names of your children that are in other classrooms and their teacher's name.  I will work with their teacher to set up their times along with your desired time for me. This way, you do not have to hang around the school all day or leave and come back that day.
  • When you select your time slot, I will need to know your Name and Phone number.  Be sure you uncheck the two buttons below the phone number, unless you want to receive Updates or emails from Lands End.  LOL  
  • Lastly, click Save at the bottom to save your desired time.  If the times do not work for you, please email me at my school email and we can work out a time that will work for you.  
We only have 20 minutes for each conference. That is not a lot of time to hear how amazing your child is.  I will send home a pre-conference form for you to use, so that we can make sure all of your questions are answered.  

If you have any problems signing up, please let me know.  

Saturday, September 26, 2015

October Calendar & Newsletter

I posted the October specials calendar on the Calendar page and finally posted a newsletter on the Newsletter page.  I apologize for not posting a September newsletter.  Time definitely got away from me, but I promise to not let it happen again! :)  Enjoy!

Learning to Multiply

Last week we moved from learning to identify the area of a shape with repeated addition into making arrays to learn how to multiply.  Using skip counting on a number line, students worked in pairs to identify all the multiples in a number (3.OA.1) and placing them on a 100's chart.  By digging deep into multiples, students are able to process multiplication without having to rely on memorization.