
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Quarter 2 Book Reports

We completed presentations of Quarter 2 Book Reports on Wednesday!  I am blown away at the amount of work put into these projects.  The students were so proud to present their project and explain to the class about their book.  

Our next book report is due March 24th and the genre is Historical Fiction.  Students should look for a historical book that his fictional characters.  Almost all of them wanted to do one of the Who was....? or Where was...? books, so I told them that I would only allow 2 of them, so the first two students to return their paper with one of those books would be allowed to use them.  This way we do not have 18 presentations on the same book or close to the same book.

Here are pictures of my proud students showing their book report projects.  I cannot wait to see what they do for Quarter 3!  Just remember, that they cannot use a project that they already have used in Quarter 1 or Quarter 2.