
Sunday, August 28, 2016

First Week of 3rd Grade

We successfully made it through our first week of 3rd grade.  It was so exciting getting to know each child.  In one short week, I've learned something exciting about each child.  I look forward to learning even more about them.  I am excited at their love for learning and how much they care about their learning.  I cannot wait to watch them grow this year, academically and socially.  They are a fun group and it is going to be an amazing year! 
Sporting our sunglasses!

Relaxing under the awning on a hot day.

Making friends is always fun!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

2016/2017 Classroom Reveal

Tomorrow's the big day that I get to meet my kiddos and their parents!  I am so excited to see who they are and their sweet faces as they enter their school home.  I'm also excited that I finally got it all back together.  For a minute, I did not think it was going to happen.  There are still a few minor things to finish, but for the most part, my room is done and ready for 3rd graders!  

I hope you enjoy the pictures!