
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Elephant Toothpaste

I was looking through my pictures on my cell phone and realized I never posted pictures of the kiddos making Elephant Toothpaste, back on January 13th.  Elephant Toothpaste is made from mixing every day items together (3% Hydrogen Peroxide, yeast, food coloring, & dish soap).  The result is so fun to watch, IF the kiddos followed the directions.  A couple of groups did not mix the water and yeast mixture together in the correct way, so they did not pour enough of the yeast into the Hydrogen Peroxide, since their yeast was clumped in the bottom of the cup.  The yeast/water mixture should have been watery!  Either way, they had a lot of fun putting it together!  There were, however, some "not so fun" faces if their "toothpaste" did not bubble up and over the 2 liter bottle!