
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Flat Nassar 2017

If you haven't met Flat Nassar yet, then ask your child to introduce you (folders are in backpacks). Students were introduced to Flat Nassar this afternoon. They decorated her and read through all instructions on activities Flat Nassar loves to participate in. I've attached information here, in case, items do not make it home.

The task is for students to spend their Spring Break with Flat Nassar. They should document their daily activities each day with a photo of your child and Flat Nassar together. In addition, students have a journal to record the days activity. Once we return to school AND after STEAM week, students will put together a presentation using their photos and journal entries.

Students can upload their photos to their Google Drive accounts, save them on a CD (no thumb drives), or you can email the photos to my school email. Please do not upload them here on our FB page. Students should have, at least, 1 photo per day along with a journal entry. This activity will count as a reading, writing, and speaking/listening grade.

This should be a fun activity! In the past, Flat Nassar has had exciting Spring Breaks and was even left in a trash can in Hawaii! OOPS! She's read books with her friend, jumped on trampolines, spent a day being lazy in pj's, and traveled to foreign countries. The ideas are endless and exciting to see when we return to school after Spring Break! Have fun!

Autism Walk 2017

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is the Autism Walk. Parents are invited to walk with their child. You can meet the class at the exit doors near our classroom. Once we exit the doors, students will turn left and walk along the back of the school, around to the front, and return back to the exit doors. It's difficult for the whole class to stay together, so students should meet back at the exit doors, after they walk one lap.

I will not be there tomorrow, so once students return to the exit doors, the substitute will conduct a head count. If you want to check your child out, after the walk, please let the substitute know and check them out with the front office.

Hope you can make it!