
Saturday, August 31, 2013

1st Full Week

What a great "first full week" we had this week!!  Students continued working on learning policies and procedures, as well as Daily 5 Math and Reading Stations.  I am so proud of how hard they worked to follow station expectations and complete their work on time.  Below are some pictures of students working in stations.  They have got this down, so next week is going to be a breeze!!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blog Goodies

We are off and running!!!  This is our first week with homework, first week learning our Daily 5 procedures, and our first week of having fun learning!!  We are already on a fantastic roll and I'm so proud of each student for how hard they have been working this week.  I'm a lucky teacher to have 19 amazing kiddos!

I have updated the blog with our classroom newsletter for August/September.  I also included this week's homework plan, in case the one in the H.E.R.O. Binder goes missing.

If you haven't signed up for email notifications be sure to do that on the Home page.  This way, when I update the blog, you will receive an email letting you know goodies are available.  Feel free to leave a comment about anything you see on the blog.   Have a fantastic day!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

We survived!!

The first two days of school are now behind us and I am happy to report that we survived!!  I sent home 19 beautiful 3rd graders on Thursday looking like zombies.  They came in so full of life, but by the end of the day we all looked, and probably felt like, zombies.  I look forward to next week and getting into our regular learning routine, now that we are past all of the policies and procedures stage.  It will be another week or two before things are flowing smoothly, but I am confident these kiddos will have no problem picking up on our structured environment and moving forward successfully.  It is going to be an outstanding year!!  Next week I will officially pull out the camera and start taking pictures!!  I cannot wait to post all of the exciting adventures we will be doing this year.  Have a great and restful weekend!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

2013-2014 Classroom Photos

After many, many long hours, I think my classroom is now ready to receive 17 awesome sweeties next week.  I still have a few minor things to do, but for the most part, I'm done!  You will notice that many items in the pictures were borrowed or purchased from other teacher blogs that I found on Pinterest.  I need to give credit, where credit is due, but I have lost track of who made what.  If you see something and I did not give you credit for your amazing work, please leave me a comment to let me know and I will fix that.  Enjoy!!



Friday, August 9, 2013

10 Days!

I'm so excited to be getting closer and closer to the first day of teachers returning to work!  I know.....what teacher really says that?  It's been a long summer with taking care of my husband, but he is getting stronger and stronger everyday and I'm looking forward to being out of the house.  I'm looking forward to meeting my new kiddos and learning all about them.  It's going to be a great year!

I'm hoping to have pictures of my classroom up sometime next week.  All of my desk and bookshelves are arranged, curtains on the cabinets are back up and now I'm working on changing bulletin boards.  I've made some changes this year, but not a whole lot.  I can't wait to share classroom pics with you.

Enjoy your last week!