
Thursday, June 11, 2015

End of Year STEAM Challenge

A big, gigantic Thank you to all the parents who came out today for the final End of Year STEAM Challenge!!  It was a huge success and the kiddos loved it.  I know I told a few parents this, but who knew that a bunch of sponges could excite a class!  LOL  We had baby sisters, brothers, moms, dads, grandparents, and even great grandparents come out to hang out with us.  Stacking sponges on top of a marble sounds pretty easy, until you actually have to do it.  The students and parents learned quickly that it wasn't very easy, but every single team persevered and built amazing towers.  Every team also accepted my challenge to make their towers taller and taller.  The tallest 20 sponge stack came in at 17 3/4 inches and the tallest 40 sponge stack came in at 33"!!!!  Wow!!

Thank you again for coming out and if you were not able to make it, I've added some pictures below!