
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Last Day of School

Have you ever had the feeling where you wanted something (aka summer) to come and then it does and you feel sad about it?  Well, I had that feeling again today.  Just like the kiddos, I've been looking forward to summer.  As we sent the kids off and I returned to my room, it felt so empty.  Gone were the giggles, wiggles, laughs, talking, and the constant "Mrs. Nassar"!!  As I packed up my room, I came across papers with kiddos names on it and found something funny about each one.  The memory of DF dancing to a Kidz Bop song or TR giggling uncontrollably and making us all laugh, or ZH telling a funny joke (which I admit I sometimes did not get).

Each child has left an amazing impression on my heart.  I will miss them all and look forward to seeing them next year.  If they are not returning, I hope you will keep my school email and this blog address to stay in touch.  In our lifestyle, we often lose touch of each other, so we rarely get to see how incredible our kiddos become as they grow.

Thank you for entrusting your baby to me this year!  I am always humbled by the support and love you give your child and me. Your support has been amazing and appreciated!

Have a fun and safe summer!
Love Always!!