
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Finally finished!!!

I worked all day Thursday to get my room ready, but when you are unofficially OCD, you tend to take a long time to get things done right!!!  LOL  I decided that enough was enough, my tall built in cabinets had to be organized, as well as, the cabinets behind my desk and cubbies.  I covered them before I took pictures, but they look amazing and it will definitely make it easier in the fall.  So after working, most of the day yesterday, I finally closed up my room.  Now time to get ready for vacation!!  Have a great summer!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Last Day of School

Have you ever had the feeling where you wanted something (aka summer) to come and then it does and you feel sad about it?  Well, I had that feeling again today.  Just like the kiddos, I've been looking forward to summer.  As we sent the kids off and I returned to my room, it felt so empty.  Gone were the giggles, wiggles, laughs, talking, and the constant "Mrs. Nassar"!!  As I packed up my room, I came across papers with kiddos names on it and found something funny about each one.  The memory of DF dancing to a Kidz Bop song or TR giggling uncontrollably and making us all laugh, or ZH telling a funny joke (which I admit I sometimes did not get).

Each child has left an amazing impression on my heart.  I will miss them all and look forward to seeing them next year.  If they are not returning, I hope you will keep my school email and this blog address to stay in touch.  In our lifestyle, we often lose touch of each other, so we rarely get to see how incredible our kiddos become as they grow.

Thank you for entrusting your baby to me this year!  I am always humbled by the support and love you give your child and me. Your support has been amazing and appreciated!

Have a fun and safe summer!
Love Always!!

End of Year STEAM Challenge

A big, gigantic Thank you to all the parents who came out today for the final End of Year STEAM Challenge!!  It was a huge success and the kiddos loved it.  I know I told a few parents this, but who knew that a bunch of sponges could excite a class!  LOL  We had baby sisters, brothers, moms, dads, grandparents, and even great grandparents come out to hang out with us.  Stacking sponges on top of a marble sounds pretty easy, until you actually have to do it.  The students and parents learned quickly that it wasn't very easy, but every single team persevered and built amazing towers.  Every team also accepted my challenge to make their towers taller and taller.  The tallest 20 sponge stack came in at 17 3/4 inches and the tallest 40 sponge stack came in at 33"!!!!  Wow!!

Thank you again for coming out and if you were not able to make it, I've added some pictures below!  

Sunday, June 7, 2015


I keep seeing Osmo's on Pinterest, so today I decided to see what it was.  I'm sitting here, before church, looking crazy, because I'm super excited about this (my husband is not as excited!  LOL).  

Even though I do not have any school owned IPad's, I have been thinking about bringing my IPad to school for my kiddos to use.  With an Osmo, I can do that.  They would absolutely love it and the educational benefits are amazing.  I especially love the Tangram game that comes with it, because we teach Tangrams in Geometry.  
Best part, if I buy one, I can gift one to any teacher in the school.  For $79.00, that's not bad.  How awesome that the creators are willing to donate one free one to a school of your choice, just to help teachers out.  

What a great gift this would be!!  I better start saving now!